
My name is Tim Luca. I am a young actor and model, living my life in the heart of Europe. I have experiences in acting & commercial shootings, TV- and Musicvideo-Productions (play-age: 12-17). I ran through camera-acting trainings and several camera-coachings. Visiting an acting-class and in addition I work on my theatrical skills in a theater-acting-class.

  • Me

    So what?

    I am 5'9'' tall with blueeyes and dark blonde hair. Loving basketball, swimming, cycling and video games.


    Stand up against bullying

    I am an official youth advocate for Free2Luv! I raise my voice against bullying.

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  • Motto

    Wish it, dream it, do it

    Be you. #beawesome There is no one like you! What you want is possible. If you can dream it, you can do it.


    Want to know more about me?

    Ask me your question by tagging me with #asktimluca7

    Klick here for answers...
  • Connect

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    One race, the human race

    Everyone is worth the same, no matter what their origin or appearance. It doesn't matter what religion, skin color or nationality a person owns. Human is human!

    I'm an official member of #Team1rhr and founder and representant for Team Germany.

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